Thomas Hay Blogs: Part 4- The Conundrum

Re blogged from Author Thomas Hay’s Blog,


eye of mind

Part Four – The Conundrum.  The search continues…

My fiancé shouted, “Stop the car, we have to find out what the cows are staring at!”

“Okay,” I said, as I slammed on the brakes.  “But you stay in the car.”

The cows were in a field next to a huge cornfield. It was close to dusk, and the glare from the departing sun made it difficult to see anything in that direction.

Then suddenly, I noticed a shallow figure materialize right out of the corn stalks. My first thought was that a scarecrow had gotten loose.

I was in a sleepwalking stupor as an invisible force propelled me toward the scarecrow. A beam of light from the shadowy shape, which was holding a gold-colored medallion, hit me in the chest. I was paralyzed but conscious as the figure measured my cranium. (Years later I would discover that I had been measured for a special type communications helmet). The mysterious being then implanted another memory block and vanished into the departing sunset.

The next I knew I was standing alone in the cornfield, not knowing how or why I had gotten there. The cows all stared at me like I was an alien invader.

When I returned to the car, my fiancé was sound asleep. She didn’t recall or see a thing since I had gotten out of the car. Several years later (after melting her memory blocks) she would reveal what had happened to her that day.

” I fell asleep in the car and had a most peculiar astral projection. I was out of my body and rising high above the trees and into the clouds. I looked to the sky and saw…”

Stay tuned for the final part: The Phenomenon

Thomas Hay, Author

Latest edition in all eBook formats at


Who Are the Abductors? The Search For An Answer: Part Three The Inscrutible

Thomas Hay blogs about his experience and his thoughts on the Abductors. Reblogged from

UFO clouds


An Abduction Revelation: The Comeback Kid Returns

Part Three – The Inscrutable

Stories of UFO and alien abductions have been recorded throughout human history. Surrounding mankind on our planet are numerous unexplained phenomenon. It is estimated that there are three million humans who claim to have been abducted.

My abductors implant memory blocks and tracking devises. That is why abductees can’t remember their abduction and how the abductors always know where to locate them.

Those who believe and have reported that they have been abducted are a heterogeneous group, widely dispersed along demographic and cultural lines. There is a remarkably precise correspondence to their stories. Abductees exhibit relatively little psychopathology. Hypnosis has been used to confront, confirm, and allow others to experience their memories. However, hypnosis only allows the abductee to see through the memory block. It doesn’t melt (remove) the memory block. After their session, the abductee will not be able to remember the abduction. Both subtle and highly robust physical evidence accompanies some abductions. Many abductees share remarkably similar experiences.

My ex-wife, who claimed we were abducted, figured out how to melt the implanted memory blocks. She thought she saw who the abductors were. However, she only saw the tip of an iceberg.  After eventually melting my memory blocks, I saw the Antarctic. What I saw will startle and torment your reality.

An Abduction Revelation  –  Latest edition available ebooks at:

Stay tuned for Part Four – The Conundrum

Thomas L. Hay, Author