A Series I CANNOT WAIT FOR: The Birr Elixir (Book 1) by Jo Sparkes

Jo’s website gives a short description of the book (http://birrelixir.com/)

Marra never heard of Birr Elixir. But when Drail sees the potion in her dead mistress’s book, she agrees to make it. Even lacking the right ingredient.


And after drinking it, Drail and his men defeat a Skullan team – something no one has ever done before. Marra is offered a place as his traveling potions mistress. Full of doubts of her own ability, she takes the chance to escape her slave-like existence.


Then her potions woke a man who was not supposed to wake.


Now every day draws more attention from the True Masters. And their motives – and morals – are not for the faint of heart.


If they discover the truth …


The book starts off with the King’s son Tryst who is to go on a journey across his land and learn lessons about the people.

The scene shifts from there to Apprentice Marra who is working in a small, bare shelved shop trying to learn her trade. She has been forced to work by her Mistress’s brother, evil and cunning Snark.

Marra’s world turns upside down when she makes a potion for Drail for a Comet game to be held in her town. When Drail and his team do the impossible task of beating the Skullans (thought to be invincible), Drail decides to take Marra along with him on his adventures. They find an unconscious man in Marra’s shop and Drail makes the gutsy decision to carry him and Marra along with the team to the rest of their adventures.

There you’re introduced to the world of COMET, the intriguing and high action packed game which Trumen and Skullans play for ultimate victory. Drail and his team, the Hand of Victory plays well and moves along flatlands to play at the Summer Solstice games in Port Leet, one of the biggest cities.

Young Marra travels beyond her small town for the first time and sees sights which she would not believe. When her potions wake up the unconscious man they were travelling with, what adventures happen? And what does Port Leet hold for them? What is the mystery surrounding the unconscious man? Who are the men chasing Drail and what do they want from Marra?

It was so exciting to read everything from Marra’s perspective. She is an eager-to-learn lady who has never been anywhere outside her shop and the revelations of what the world holds and discovering new sights from an innocent and wide-eyed surprise is jo sparkesrefreshing.

Well I have to say it was SHEER DELIGHT reading this book. Perhaps after Harry Potter, this was the first book with a sport that excited me so much to read. I was totally Hooked on to the book!!

What was so great is Jo’s easy to read, sparkling style. The way she writes is unique, it is tantalizing with the details and yet just adequately providing the reader answers to all their questions. Her characters are well thought of with each character being perfectly in place. There are unanswered questions but this is a series and I CANNOT wait for the other books to read more.

Though this is a short book, there is a lot of excitement created about the games and you actually feel every drop of sweat that passes through the players as they look to win the trophy!

Jo has happily agreed to become a Guest Post author for explaining to everyone the exciting game of COMET!!

The game itself is one of the things that makes the book attractive. There isn’t focus on a particular character or on a romantic relationship and it is very refreshing for that very reason.


My Rating: 4/5



This is an upcoming series  (the book is Book 1 of the Gamesman)

I am really looking forward to this one.


I have come to expect quite a high quality of work from Indie Authors even though they are not traditionally published and Jo’s writing is something that excites me!!


Jo’s website is http://josparkes.com/about/

Her book’s site is http://birrelixir.com/reviews/


If you want to read 20 pages of the book, here is the link


If you have any question for Jo or Me or would like to get your book reviewed then please fill up the form below








One thought on “A Series I CANNOT WAIT FOR: The Birr Elixir (Book 1) by Jo Sparkes

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